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  • 使用本产品之前必须认真阅读自平衡多级离心泵选型手册、使用说明书及相关配套产品的使用说明书。在安装、使用和维修过程中,必须遵循本产品及其相关设备的安全操作规程。

Before using this product, you must carefully read the instruction manual of this product and the instruction manual of related supporting products. In the process of installation, use and maintenance, the safe operation rules of this product and related equipment must be followed.

  • 自平衡多级离心泵不得长时间在小流量或零流量下运转。否则会引起泵机组振动甚至抽送液体汽化,造成人身伤害和设备的损坏。

The pump must not run at low or zero flow for a long time. Otherwise it will cause the pump unit to vibrate or even the vaporization of the pumped liquid, causing personal injury and equipment damage.

  • 自平衡多级离心泵为旋转设备,在安装、维修泵机组前必须切断电源,否则会造成人身伤害。

The pump is a rotating device, and the power supply must be cut off before installing or maintaining the pump unit, otherwise it may cause personal injury.

  • 自平衡多级离心泵在使用前必须检查电缆线有无破损,折断以及接地是否良好,泵机组运行时,严禁手进入或拆下防护罩,否则会造成人身伤害。

Before use, the pump must be inspected for damage, breakage, and good grounding. When the pump unit is running, it is strictly prohibited to enter or remove the protective cover by hand, otherwise it will cause personal injury.

  • 自平衡多级离心泵在使用前,请先脱开泵与电机的连接,接通电源,“点启动开关按钮”确定旋转方向正确无误后,方可使用。

Before using the pump, please disconnect the connection between the pump and the motor, connect the power supply, and use the "point start switch button" to see the correct direction of rotation before using it.

  • 为防止泵运转后,因泵轴与电机轴相抵出现断轴甚至烧电机等事故,因而在调整泵、电机两个联轴器的间隙前,必须先将泵轴向泵联轴器方向最大限度的外拉,然后再按说明书要求进行间隙调整。

In order to prevent accidents such as broken shafts or even burned motors due to the pump shaft and the motor shaft after the pump runs. Before adjusting the gap between the pump and motor couplings, the direction of the pump shaft to the pump coupling must be maximized pull out, and then adjust the gap according to the instructions.

  • 煤矿井下使用时采配用YB3或YBK系列电机,其中采掘工作面使用应配YBK系列电机。

YB3 or YBK series motors are used for mine underground use, and YBK series motors should be used for mining face.

  • 用户与本企业均不得随意变更安标配套件及零(元)部件配置。

Neither the user nor the enterprise shall arbitrarily change the configuration of safety standard supporting parts and components.

  • 本产品属于自平衡多级离心泵,每次开机前,必须将进水管道和泵腔内部的空气排尽。

This product is a centrifugal pump. Before starting the machine, the air in the inlet pipe and the pump must be exhausted.

30 年研发经验
02 年质量保证
7000 家成功案例
70 项专利证书
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